Monday, April 30, 2018

Cat's Meow

"Do the Charleston!  Do the Charleston!"

"It's the cat's meow!"

The Roaring Twenties...a decade of nonstop carefree fun for women.

Yes!  Excellent start to this post, first-time guest blogger, Sarah Adams, thought to herself...but what else?  Blogger's block.  She had a deadline to meet for this post, so a mental block could not have come at a worse time.  Stretch your imagination, Sarah thought to herself.

Let's see.  If I lived in the 1920s...

"We are strong!  We are independent!  We can vote!  We are proud women!"


"We define our lives!"

"We are flappers!"

"We are Chanel girls!"

"We follow...No, we set the trends!"

Short skirts, freedom of choice in clothing overall, freedom of choice in use of makeup

Short bob hairstyle

Trendsetting haute couture

Fashion - smart and sophisticated, independent, very casual

Bold, daring, pushing the envelope for women in the 1920s...because they could.

Break the rules.  Own your feminism.

Show a little of this.  Show a little of that.  You are a woman.

No longer live under the man's rule.

Define your life under your terms.

Yeah!  Wait, where am I?

Once lost in thought, now back on track.  Blogger's block no longer.

For Sarah, daydreaming life in the Roaring Twenties was the perfect inspiration for her first guest blog post.

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